• Technical Conference:  26 – 30 October 2025
  • Science + Industry Showcase:   28 – 29 October 2025
  • Colorado Convention Center, Denver, Colorado, USA



Code of Conduct

It is important to the success of this meeting that every attendee be treated with consideration and respect. Please review the Code of Conduct and Anti-Harassment policy.

Policies and Terms of Registration

Reasonable Event Policies and Terms have been established. We encourage you to read these carefully as all registrants will be required to agree to these policies and terms as a condition of registration.

Privacy Policy

Optica respects the privacy rights of our visitors and recognizes the importance of protecting all information that you may choose to share with us. To further this commitment, we have adopted this Privacy Policy to guide how we collect, store and use the information you provide to us.

Registration Support

Please contact Customer Service via a webform at optica.org/help or call + 1 202.416.1907.